MH Integrated Complex Care (MHICC)

Mental Health Integrated Complex Care

Mental Health Integrated Complex Care (MHICC) services offer support for people with severe mental illness and complex needs.

This includes long-term assistance with your physical health care, managing your medication and support for you and your loved ones.

Once you have been offered a MHICC service, you will have a Mental Health Nurse allocated and a Care Coordinator who will assist you to manage your health needs. We can also help with access to one or more of the following professionals: clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers and occupational therapists.

MHICC services are part of the Mental Health Stepped Care model which means you can ‘step down’ into less intensive services, if your mental health needs change.


MHICC services are for people who:

  • Live or work in South Eastern Melbourne or Mornington Peninsula
  • Have a health care card or can’t afford similar services
  • Are not eligible for NDIS
  • Have a mental illness and complex needs, that are affecting social, personal or work life
  • Have a GP, psychiatrist or other health professional who is looking after your mental health care in the community

Referral & Inquiries

Referral to MHICC services can be made by anyone; including GPs and other health providers, schools, social services, other organisations or you can refer yourself by calling South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (SEMPHN) 1800 862 363 (business hours only).

The Mental Health Integrated Complex Care service has been made possible by funding from South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network.