What We Stand For

Our Vision

Optimum personal recovery and wellbeing.

Our Purpose

To provide opportunity for people living with mental illness and/or complex needs to enjoy a meaningful life by strengthening self-identity, personal responsibility and hope.

We Believe

Recovery-orientated practice is a partnership where the person with the lived experience is the expert in their recovery and our staff bring their understanding and expertise to support this journey.

Our Guiding Principles

Respect and Dignity, Acceptance of Diversity, Reflective Practice, Strengths' Based, Person-Centred, Flexibility and Innovation, Collaborative Partnerships, Community Connection and Participation.

Our Service Model

Mentis Assist's Service Model incorporates the (Department of Health) ‘Victorian Framework for Recovery-Orientated Practice’ (2011) and the National Mental Health Standards (2010).

Valued Workforce

We ensure a highly skilled, supported and informed workforce, providing opportunities for reflective practice, flexibility and innovation, developing and maintaining collaborative partnerships, evaluation, planning and continuous improvement.

Who We Are

About Mentis Assist

What We Stand For


Board of Governance

Our Service Model

What is Recovery?

Lived Experience Engagement Opportunities at Mentis Assist

Head Office
23-25 Yuilles Road
Mornington 3931

Phone: 1300 MENTIS (1300 636 847)

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5:00pm