Lived Experience Engagement Opportunities at Mentis Assist

At Mentis Assist we recognise the unique insights, awareness and opportunities that the lived experience voice brings to the way in which we deliver our supports and services. We recognise that participation and co-design enable participants to contribute at the decision-making level at Mentis Assist. Opportunities at Mentis Assist include membership of our Participant Advisory Group, recruitment interview panels, education staff in lived experience, sharing your story with others, participation on Mentis Assist Committees and ad-hoc working groups and projects. The following section tells you more about each opportunity.

Participant Advisory Group (PAG)

Our PAG consists of up to 15 members who have had lived experience of working on their recovery, who provide advice and recommendations to the management and Board of Mentis Assist on matters that will help improve the services delivered by Mentis Assist.

The PAG has a set membership, and these opportunities will only become available when we have a vacancy. Other opportunities are more available.

PAG meetings are held monthly and the purpose of these meetings are to:

  • Advise on strategies to enhance and promote client and carer community participation
  • Identify and prioritise issues requiring client and carer participation
  • Provide recommendations on development of policies and procedures
  • Provide advice on information provided to clients and carers
  • Participate in the broader strategic planning and service development process

Recruitment Interview Panels

We aim to include a client or carer on all recruitment interviews. You will be an equal member of the interview panel and your advice will be considered as part of the recruitment decision. Training is provided, and managers will support you through the process.

Educating staff in lived experience

When new staff commence at Mentis Assist, staff are provided with key information about our organisation as well as specific information about their role. Our corporate induction is held three  monthly for all new staff, and as part of this, would like someone with lived experience to our new recruits. From time to time, there will also be other opportunities to meet with staff and share your story. Training in safe storytelling and public speaking is provided.

Sharing your story with others

Mentis Assist is hoping to train and support a pool of people who may be called on to share their story in a public speaking capacity within our community. You may also be asked to share your story in other formats such as print or video. Mentis Assist provides training for people who are interested in being involved.

Participation on Mentis Assist Committees

In keeping with our commitment to hearing the lived experience voice, Mentis Assist is aiming to have client/carer representatives on our organisational committees.

How do I get involved?

You will need to complete an application  form and undergo an interview with our Client Engagement Officer and other PAG members. This will help us understand how you would be able to contribute and the best way to get you started.

Email us at for more information.

Who We Are

About Mentis Assist

What We Stand For


Board of Governance

Our Service Model

What is Recovery?

Lived Experience Engagement Opportunities at Mentis Assist

Head Office
443 Nepean Highway
Frankston Victoria 3199

Phone: 1300 MENTIS (1300 636 847)

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5:00pm